The Benefits of Commercial Roof Maintenance

Your commercial building’s roof protects your business from outdoor elements unless you neglect regular maintenance. Then, those elements can find their way in and cause a sagging roof, cracked shingles, and structural water damage. Even though we often prioritize roofing maintenance on our homes, your business needs the same attention to avoid a costly replacement. Being proactive about your commercial roofing’s upkeep and maintenance can ward off large bills and keep your employees safe.

Business and property owners in the Annandale, VA, region can seek the expertise of Augustine Roofing for necessary commercial roofing repair. Augustine clients benefit from our 30+ years of experience in high-quality craftsmanship and swift execution. To ensure a sturdy roof is over your head, visit Augustine Roofing online or call (703) 281-7663 for more information on our commercial roofing services.

Below, we discuss the importance of commercial roof maintenance:


What Is Commercial Roof Maintenance? 

In plain terms, roof maintenance is a professional check-up of a roof’s condition. It involves a detailed inspection, followed by any minor repairs that may be necessary. Even slight damages accumulate and worsen if neglected for long periods, which all business owners wish to avoid. 

Frequent maintenance that commercial buildings require include: 

  • Damaged shingle replacement
  • Gutter and debris cleaning
  • Small leak patching

Hiring a commercial roofing contractor to perform this routine maintenance extends the life of your roof, saves you money, and keeps you safe.


Why Is Roof Maintenance Important?

Roofing acts as insulation. Shingles, for instance, reflect light and heat, keeping our energy bill manageable. When damaged, shingles lose their ability to regulate the temperature in our homes, and living comfortably becomes expensive.

Accumulated roofing damages can create unsafe living conditions in our homes. Excess moisture, clogged gutters, and debris build-up expose occupants to mold and mildew growth. Not only does untreated mildew lead to health concerns, but—when completely neglected—roofs may lose all structural integrity and partially or fully collapse.

A complete roof replacement can cost as much as costs over $8,000. Alternatively, the average cost of minor commercial roofing repairs is only $150-$400 and can delay the need for significant updates for years.


Weather and Roof Maintenance

You can protect your roof’s condition by keeping your eye on it when weather conditions change. Temperature and moisture changes can cause shingles to shift; they may expand, contract, or become displaced in severe weather.

Storm damage is among the leading instigators of roof repair and replacement needs. Heavy wind, snow, and rain damages or displaces shingles and leads to excess moisture on your roof. These conditions may compromise the integrity of your roof and lead to irreversible damage. Preparing your roof for rainy seasons and being proactive through routine roofing maintenance can mitigate damages and stress.


Certified Commercial Roofing in Annandale, VA!

Staying on top of your roof maintenance requires the aid of qualified professionals. Augustine Roofing offers free project estimates and quality commercial roofing repair and maintenance in Annandale, VA. To schedule a commercial roofing service or appointment, call (703) 281-7663 today.


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